Dear Parents, Acknowledge Your Achievements!

Parenting is a journey filled with ups and downs, joys and challenges—a testimony to love and dedication. As a mother or father with grown children, it is quite possible that you have not given yourself any acknowledgement or praise for your achievements as a parent. You probably haven’t even thought about it much at all!  As many of these accomplishments were the building blocks of your kid(s) future, a little reflection couldn’t do any harm now, could it?!

1. Shaping Character and Values:

One of your most significant achievements was shaping your child’s character and instilling the values to guide them throughout the rest of their lives. Whenever you imparted a lesson on kindness, resilience, honesty, or empathy, you contributed to constructing their moral compass.

The day your child willingly shared a favourite toy with a friend or a sibling, they showed their understanding of empathy and highlighted your success in nurturing a generous and kind spirit.

Sharing was the source of many disputes in our family home. I once resorted to buying two of the same toy cars (even down to the colour), still to be met with fighting between the two boys as one of the cars must somehow have been better! (Insert laughter here). I am happy to report that they are more than happy to share their things today!

2. Fostering a Love for Learning

The journey of education begins at home, and you played a pivotal role in cultivating a curiosity that drove their academic and / or intellectual pursuits. Whether through bedtime stories, engaging discussions, or exploring the world around them, you were the primary architects of your kid(s)’s love for knowledge.

The day they excitedly shared a new fact they had learned or displayed a genuine interest in a particular subject is a testament to your achievement of nurturing that love for learning. This achievement is not just about academic success; it’s about equipping the child with a lifelong enthusiasm for exploration, discovery, and the pursuit of knowledge. Well done!

3. Building Resilience in the Face of Challenges

Every time you helped your kid(s) navigate a difficult situation, be it a friendship issue, a disappointing outcome, or a personal failure, you increased their resilience and coping skills.  Every time you let them (safely) make mistakes and learn, you empowered them to be confident and trust their instincts. Celebrate this achievement! That day your child handled a setback with calm maturity is a testament to your success.

4. Nurturing Emotional Intelligence

Another standout parenting achievement is the cultivation of emotional intelligence in your kid(s). Emotional intelligence encompasses self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to manage one’s emotions effectively.

Fostering a safe space for your children to express their feelings and teach them to understand and regulate emotions contributes significantly to their emotional intelligence.

Were you a parent who patiently listened to your kid(s)’s emotional struggles and helped them find constructive ways to cope?  Then, you were instrumental in helping them to build a skill that is invaluable for maintaining healthy relationships.

5. Fostering Independence and Responsibility

As children grow, fostering independence and accepting responsibility becomes more and more important. Every positive step towards self-sufficiency, from tying shoelaces to making decisions, marked your parenting success.

As a parent, you would have gradually allowed your kid(s) to take on age-appropriate responsibilities, encouraging autonomy and decision-making – Raising your children to be capable of taking care of themselves and contributing positively to the community.

My youngest sometimes complains (teasingly) that he had to make his lunch from a young age, but one thing is for sure: Neither he nor his friends will starve!

6. Instilling a Strong Work Ethic

Another significant parenting achievement is teaching your kid(s) the value of hard work and a solid work ethic. This goes beyond academic performance and extends to chores, extracurricular activities, and personal goals. I am sure you encouraged your kid(s) to approach these tasks with diligence and reinforced that effort and perseverance are essential to success. The fruits of this labour are highlighted when they work diligently on a project, practice a musical instrument, or put in extra effort on a challenging subject.

I recall my eldest struggling with mathematics when he was finishing high school. He sat for days reteaching himself the previous two years of schoolwork so that he could do well in his final exam. Now he has a BIT in Computer Science (#Proudmom).

Which of those achievements resonate with you?

Are there others? (I’m sure there are!)

Janine (J9) Nijs

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